NBN23 has reached an agreement with the German Federation to start digitizing an important part of its basketball.

The Deutsche Basketball Bund (DBB) is taking a giant step towards a new digital future: With the beginning of the 2021/2022 season the digital Scorecard (DSB) will be introduced into the league system. Together with NBN23, who has created this innovative, forward thinking, intuitive and easy to use product, the German basketball federation is preparing to offer its Basketball community a brand-new way to experience basketball.

NBN23 with the help of the retired German-national player Jan Jagla, and the DBB are rolling out the digital score card to the first 123 teams, including the WNBL, 1st & 2nd DBBL, the Southeast Regional league and the Bundesjugendlager in Heidelberg. This first iteration is used as a learning experience, before rolling out the technology to all other leagues and teams throughout Germany.

“The presidential committee has agreed that the digitalization of the federation and its competitions is a clear focus for the DBB. The introduction of the digital scorecard is one of the cornerstones of this endeavor and we are more than happy to get started. The demonstrations of NBN23 have convinced us of the added value the product brings and the endless possibilities the digital scorecard offers the players and the overall game. We have decided to introduce the product step by step, to ensure that this project becomes a success on all levels. We believe, that in the future, German Basketball will not want to be without the digital scorecard again”, says Prof. Lothar Bösing, DBB Vice-president for Education, Sports development, Game operation and Scorekeeping.

The manual process of the paper scorecards with tremendous amounts of paper, little consumable data and lost information is turning into a digital process with cloud-storage, live statistics & analysis, 24/7-access, easy data collection on the digital scorecard, a Scores.App for live results, validation of teams and monetization opportunities.

“We are more than happy to have entered into the partnership with the DBB. NBN23 has developed a digital scorecard, that is intuitive, easy to use, resource saving and represents the best-in-class solution on the market today. I am convinced that we will reach an overwhelming acceptance within the German basketball community in a short amount of time”, said Jan Jagla.

The added benefits of this are clear: the digital Scorecard of NBN23 also allows for: the reduction of scorekeepers at the table, the work at the table becoming more entertaining, detailed scouting in every league (if scored), less errors, better visibility for our sport, added value to the players and an emphasis on the best performances. In short: Bring it on!

The fully developed, detailed teaching-platform helps clubs and local federations, their scouters, and scorekeepers to quickly gain the required knowledge and experience for starting process step by step. A separate Info-Website has already been created and people are already taking advantage of the web-tutorials, as well as the weekly user meetings to teach everyone the needed skills. As mentioned earlier, the 2021/22 season is primarily for the evaluation of procedures (trainings, support, integrations). The step-by-step introduction to the local federations will occur once the trial phase is completed. The general steps here are always the same, “First training, then implementation” and every local federation will individually forge their own way with the DBB and this new technology.

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