These general conditions regulate the access and use of the Internet website www.nbn23.com (hereinafter, the “site” or “website”) that NBN23, S.L.U makes available to Internet users.

Identification data of the owner of the website www.nbn23.com

The owner of the website www.nbn23.com (hereinafter, the site or website) is NBN23 SLU (hereinafter NBN23) with CIF B-40634206, with registered office and address for notifications at C / Juan de la Cierva 27 Edificio Wellness 1 Floor 3, Technology Park 46980 Paterna (Valencia), registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia.

Purpose of the website

Through access to the site, the user can enjoy the content and services offered by NBN23. NBN23 may modify unilaterally and without prior notice, the presentation of the contents and services of the site, as well as the conditions of use thereof.

Conditions of use of the website

These conditions regulate the access and use of the website www.nbn23.com owned by NBN23. Within the expression “site or website” the data, texts, graphics and, in general, all creations expressed by any means or medium, tangible or intangible protected by property rights and in particular intellectual and industrial property.

User status is acquired by accessing the website. NBN23 informs the user that the following general conditions of use are expressly and fully accepted by the user simply by accessing the website and / or viewing the content published on the website. If these general conditions are replaced by others totally or partially, these new general conditions will be considered accepted in the manner indicated above. However, it is the responsibility of the user of the website to previously access these general conditions to know the successive versions included here. NBN23 recommends that the user access them each time they intend to access the contents of the website.

The user must establish the appropriate technical security measures to avoid unwanted actions in their file information system and computer equipment used to access the Internet and, especially, the website, being aware that the Internet is not completely secure.

Permitted uses and prohibited uses

The user may (i) access the website for free; (ii) Use the available content and, where appropriate, through private access with your passwords and passwords, being responsible for their use and custody; (iii) Make correct and lawful use of the site in accordance with current legislation, morals, good customs and civic order.
In no case may the user: (i) Use the content offered through the site in a manner contrary to the general conditions of use; (ii) Access or use the contents of the site for illegal purposes, harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may damage, damage or prevent in any way, access to them, to the detriment of NBN23 or third parties; (iii) Use any type of computer virus, code, software, computer program, computer or telecommunications equipment, which may cause damage or unauthorized alteration of the accessible content, programs or systems; (iv) Eliminate or modify in any way the NBN23 identification protection devices or that may contain the content hosted on the website.

NBN23 rights

  • NBN23, reserves the following rights:
    Modify the conditions of access to the site, technical or not, unilaterally and without prior notice to users.
  • Establish particular conditions and, where appropriate, the requirement of a price or other requirements for access to certain services and / or content.
    Limit, exclude or condition the access of users when not all guarantees of correct use of the site are given by them in accordance with the obligations and prohibitions assumed by them.
  • End the provision of a service or supply of content, without the right to compensation, when it is illegal or contrary to the conditions established for them.
  • Modify unilaterally and without prior notice, whenever it deems it appropriate, the structure and design of the site, as well as update, modify or eliminate all or part of the contents or services and conditions of access and / or use of the site, and even may limit or deny access to such information.
  • Deny access to the site at any time and without prior notice to those users who violate these general conditions.
  • Undertake any legal or judicial action that is convenient for the protection of the rights of NBN23 and / or third parties that provide their services or offer content through the site, whenever appropriate.
  • Demand compensation that may arise from the improper or illegal use of all or part of the services and content provided through the site.

NBN23 Disclaimer and limitation of liability

NBN23, is exempt from any type of liability for damages of any kind in the following cases: (i) Due to the impossibility or difficulties of connecting to the communications network through which this website is accessed, regardless of the connection class used by the user. (ii) Due to the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website, as well as the availability and continuity of the operation of the site. (iii) NBN23 does not assume any responsibility for the services and contents, nor for the availability and conditions, technical or not, of access to them, which are offered by third party service providers, especially with respect to the company’s service providers. of the information. Information society service providers will be understood as those natural or legal persons that provide transmission services to the public through a data communication network provided by the recipient of the service, access services to said network, storage services or data hosting, provision of content or information on services for the temporary copy of the data requested by users and provision of links to content or instruments. (iv) The user of the site will be personally liable for damages of any kind caused to NBN23 directly or indirectly, due to the breach of any of the obligations derived from these general conditions or other rules that regulate the use of the site.

Intellectual property, industrial property and third party rights

The user is informed that the contents and services offered through the website – including texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, all comments, exhibits and html code thereof, as well as trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs that appear without this list being limiting – are protected by intellectual and industrial property laws. The copyright and exploitation of this website correspond to NBN23. The ownership of the rights over the aforementioned contents may correspond both to NBN23 and to third parties and / or legal persons.

The provision of services and publication of the contents through the website will not imply in any case the transfer, waiver or total or partial transmission of the ownership of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, publicly communicated, transformed, in whole or in part by any manual, electronic or mechanical system or method (including photocopying, recording or any recovery and storage system of information) through any medium currently known or invented in the future, without the consent of NBN23. The use, under any modality, of all or part of the content of the website is subject to the need to request prior authorization from NBN23, and the acceptance of the corresponding license, where appropriate, except as provided for the rights recognized and granted. to the user in these general conditions or what is determined in the particular conditions that NBN23 establishes to regulate the use of a certain service and / or content offered. through the website.

In no case, the user may make a use or use of the services and content on the page that are not exclusively personal, except for the exceptions determined in these general conditions of use of this website.

If the guilty or negligent act or omission directly or indirectly attributable to the user of the website that originates the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of NBN23 or third parties – whether or not there is a benefit for it – causes NBN23 damages, losses, joint obligations, expenses of any nature, sanctions, coercive measures, fines and other amounts derived or derived from any claim, demand, action, lawsuit or procedure, whether civil, criminal or administrative, NBN23 may address the user by all legal means within its reach and claim any compensatory amounts, including – but not limited to – moral and image damages, consequential damages and lost profits, advertising expenses or of any other nature that could derive from its repair, amounts of penalties or convictions, that of default interest, the cost of financing both of an amount that could be for the opposing party, the costs legal fees and the amount of the defense in any process in which it could be sued for the aforementioned causes, for damages caused by its action or omission, without prejudice to exercising any other actions that correspond to it by law.


People or entities that intend to make or make a hyperlink from a web page of another Internet portal to any of the pages of the website must be subject to the following conditions:

  • The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of the website is not allowed.Deep-links, IMG or image links, or frames with the pages of the site will not be established without the express prior authorization of NBN23.
  • False, inaccurate or incorrect statements will not be included on the pages of the site or on the services or contents thereof.
  • Except for those signs that are part of the “hyperlink”, the web page on which it is established will not contain any brand, commercial name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to NBN23, unless expressly authorized by the same .
  • The establishment of the “hyperlink” will not imply the existence of any type of relationship between NBN23 and the owner of the website or portal from which it is made.
  • NBN23 will not be responsible for the content or services made available to the public on the website or portal from which the “hyperlink” is made, nor for the information and statements included therein.
  • Any “hyperlink” to the website will be made to the main page or pages of the sections it contains.


NBN23 rejects any responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages connected by links to the website, or that are not managed directly by our site administrator.

The function of the links that appear on this website has only informative information and in no case does it imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation for the visit of the destination places.

Duration and termination

The website and the provision of the services offered through it have, in principle, an indefinite duration. NBN23, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the website and / or the provision of any of the services at any time, without prejudice to the provisions in this regard in the corresponding particular conditions. When reasonably possible, NBN23 will give prior notice of the termination or suspension of the website and / or the provision of the services offered through it.

Full agreement

These general conditions contain all the conditions agreed by the parties in relation to the object thereof and the declarations, commitments or promises, verbal, written or implicit, prior to these conditions in relation to the object of the themselves.

The fact that one of the parties does not demand at any given time the respect of any of the conditions established in these general conditions cannot be interpreted by the other as a waiver to subsequently demand compliance.

Nullity and voidability

In the event that any clause of these general conditions is void or void, totally or partially, this nullity or voidability will not affect the validity of other clauses thereof, which will remain fully effective and valid, unless the part that claim its nullity or nullity accrediting that without the clause that is null or void, the purposes pursued by these conditions cannot be met.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The parties, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, accept as applicable legislation of this contract, the Spanish one, and submit to the resolution of any controversies that may arise from it to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia capital.