The Canarian Basketball Federation has extended its agreement to continue using NBN23 technology.
In the era of technology many people couldn´t image life without their digital device, which has even shifted into the sports world. The Canarian Basketball Federation President Carlos Olano has identified this importance, leading them to extend their agreement with NBN23 in order to continue using the technology.
The contract extension will be for the next 10 years, in which currently several leagues use the technology in this territory. Although the main objective of the agreement is to digitalize all basketball competitions in the canary’s islands territory. This will allow their fan base to follow games live, digitalizing statistics, and conserves trees. NBN23 strives to improve the environment with smart technology that eliminates the pen and papers that are used for a game, that can accumulate easily over 5,000 papers during a given season.
NBN23 Executive Director Miguel Bullon released a statement saying, “Working with the Canarian Federation is synonymous with progress because both rely on sport to improve rapidly with technology.” Other competitions have taken notice and adapted this technology in recent months, which include events such as JR NBA, Minicopa Endesa and the Gasol brother’s charity game. The Canarian Basketball Federation extension with NBN23 demonstrates another example that sport needs technology.