Las estadísticas de baloncesto son una gran manera de interpretar lo que está sucediendo en el campo. El baloncesto es un juego con muchas facetas y todos los jugadores tienen diferentes puntos fuertes y diferentes roles en la cancha. Así que, en última instancia, no es justo juzgarlos a todos por una simple estadística como los puntos.
Por eso, los periodistas y los directores de las oficinas de los equipos, que evalúan a los jugadores, han creado muchas estadísticas diferentes que esperan capturar el impacto que un jugador tiene en su equipo y en el juego.
En NBN23 estamos empezando a ayudar también a los jugadores de base, a los entrenadores y a los aficionados a entender el juego de una manera más significativa.
Queremos que los jugadores puedan identificarse con el juego que aman y que encuentren otras medidas, además de los puntos, para seguir y evaluar su rendimiento o el de su equipo.
Todos hemos tenido ese entrenador que nos dice que debemos jugar mejor en defensa, pero ¿qué significa eso en realidad? ¿Rebotamos lo suficientemente bien? ¿Estamos consiguiendo robos? ¿Dejamos pasar demasiados triples desde la esquina derecha o el otro equipo se limita a lanzar canastas?
Todas estas cosas se responderán ahora en tiempo real. Encuentra el orgullo de tu juego y prepárate para tu próximo rival, todo ello con las estadísticas en vivo de tus partidos.
Tabla de contenidos:
- Hoja de resultados básica NBN23
- Hoja de resultados avanzada NBN23
- Estadísticas avanzadas de baloncesto
Hoja de resultados básica NBN23
M | Minutos |
PTS | Puntos |
TL | Tiros Libres Metidos – Tiros Libres Tirados |
%TL | Tiro Libre |
2PT | Two-Point Field Goals Made |
3PT | Three-Point Field Goals Made |
PF | Personal Fouls |
+/- | Point better than the opposing while on the court |
Advanced Scoresheet NBN23
M | Minutes |
PTS | Points |
FT | Free Throws Made – Free Throws Attempted |
%FT | Free Throw |
2PT | Two-Point Field Goals Made-Two-Point Field Goals Attempted |
%2PT | Tw0-Point Field Goal Percentage |
3PT | Three-Point Field Goals Made-Three-Point Field Goals Attempted |
%3PT | Three-Point Field Goal Percentage |
REB | Total Rebounds |
OR | Offensive Rebounds |
DR | Defensive Rebounds |
AST | Assists |
TO | Turnovers |
STL | Steals |
BLK | Blocks |
PF | Personal Fouls |
+/- | Point better than the opposing while on the court |
EFF | A formula to encompass all aspects of the box score into a single statistic. Formula: (Points + REB + AST + STL + BLK –FGM – FTAM– TO – PF) |
TS% | (True Shooting Percentage): Statistic of efficiency as a shooter in field goal attempts, three-point field goal attempts and free throws. Formula: (Points x 50) / [(FGA + 0,44 * FTA)] |
eFG% | (Effective Field Goal Percentage): Statistic of efficiency as a shooter in all field goal attempts with three-point attempts weighted fairly. Formula: (FG + 0.5 * 3P) / FGA |
ORB% | (Offensive Rebound Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of offensive rebounds a player secures that are available to his team. Formula: 100 * [Player ORB * (Team Minutes / 5)] / [Player Minutes * (Team ORB + Opponent DRB)] |
DRB% | (Defensive Rebound Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of defensive rebounds a player secures that are available to his team. Formula: 100 * [Player DRB * (Team Minutes / 5)] / [Player Minutes * (Team DRB + Opponent ORB)] |
TRB% | (Total Rebound Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of both offensive and defensive rebounds a player secures that are available to his team. Formula: 100 * [Total Player Rebounds * (Team Minutes / 5)] / [Player Minutes * (Team Total Rebounds + Opponent Total Rebounds)] |
AST% | (Assist Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of assists a player records in relation to the team’s overall total while he is in the game. Formula: 100 * Player ASTs / [((Player Minutes / (Team Minutes Played / 5)) * Team FGs) – Player FGs] |
STL% | (Steal Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of steals a player records in relation to the team’s overall total while he is in the game. Formula: 100 * [Player BLKs * (Team Minutes / 5)] / (Player Minutes * Opponent FGA – Opponent 3PA) |
BLK% | (Block Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of blocks a player records in relation to the opponents two point field goal attemps. Formula: 100 * [Player BLKs * (Team Minutes / 5)] / (Player Minutes * Opponent FGA – Opponent 3PA) |
TOV% | (Turnover Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of turnovers a player records in relation to the team’s overall total while he is in the game. Formula: 100 * Turnovers / (FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) |
USG% | (Usage Percentage): Statistic of the percentage of plays utilized by a player while he is in the game. Formula: 100 * [(FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) * (Team Minutes / 5)] / [Player Minutes * Team FGA + 0.44 * Team FTA + Team TOV[] |
Total S % | (Total Shooting Percentage): The sum of a player’s field goal, free throw and three-point percentage. |
ORtg (Offensive Rating) | The number of points a player produces per 100 possessions. Created by Dean Oliver. |
DRtg (Defensive Rating) | The number of points a player allows per 100 possessions. Created by Dean Oliver. |
eDiff (Efficiency Differential) | The difference between a team or player’s ORtg and DRtg. Formula: (ORtg – DRtg) |
PPS (Points Per Shot) | Points scored per field goal attempt. |
PPR (Pure Point Rating) | = 100 x (League Pace / Team Pace) x ([(Assists x 2/3) – Turnovers] / Minutes) |
PER | PER strives to measure a player’s per-minute performance, while adjusting for pace. A league-average PER is always 15.00, which permits comparisons of player performance across seasons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_efficiency_rating |
OWS (Offensive Win Shares) | An estimate of the number of wins a player produces on offensive possessions. |
DWS (Defensive Win Shares) | An estimate of the number of wins a player produces on defensive possessions. |
WS (Win Shares): | An estimate of the total number of wins a player produces. https://www.basketball-reference.com/about/ws.html |

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